Primary Care Chaplaincy Scotland Logo
Primary Care Chaplaincy Scotland Logo


The NHS has produced some helpful policy documents relating to the spiritual care of patients.

These documents set out principles by which we may deliver spiritual care and highlight the importance of spiritual care being available to patients within the NHS.

The following policy documents now span 20 years and specifically include the General Practice setting.

General Medical Council Guidance: Good Medical Practice (updated 2019): 15a

Handbook of Spiritual Care in Mental Illness

Spirituality and clinical care: Spiritual values and skills are increasingly recognised as necessary aspects of clinical care (2002) Larry Culliford, consultant psychiatrist. BMJ 2002; 325 doi: (Published 21 December 2002) Cite this as: BMJ 2002;325:1434

Scottish Government Department of Health and Wellbeing 2008: Spiritual care and chaplaincy in NHS Scotland CEL 49, SGDH. Guidelines on Chaplaincy and Spiritual Care in the NHS in Scotland, Annex A Paragraph 5-17.
Retrieved 17/1/2019 from

NHS Chaplaincy in England, described in NHS Chaplaincy Guidelines 2015: Promoting Excellence in Pastoral, Spiritual & Religious Care.
Retrieved 17/1/19 from

Scottish Executive Health Department HDL 2002: 76 spiritual care in NHS Scotland, SEHD HDL. Guidelines on Chaplaincy and Spiritual Care in the NHS in Scotland.
Retrieved 18 August 2016 from

Primary Care Chaplaincy Scotland
c/o Regent Gardens Medical Practice
18 Union Street, Kirkintilloch, G66 1DH
Scottish Charity Number SC050241
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Primary Care Chaplaincy
Regent Gardens Medical Practice
18 Union Street, Kirkintilloch
G66 1DH
Scottish Charity No. SC050241
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Primary Care Chaplaincy
Regent Gardens Medical Practice
18 Union Street, Kirkintilloch
G66 1DH
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